Meet Our Officers


Marilyn Swint | Chapter President

Hometown: Athens, AL

Stella Grace Degraffenried. | VP of Chapter Relations and Standards

Hometown: Tuscaloosa, AL

Emma Parmenter. | VP of Finance

Hometown: Madison, AL

Taylor Wright. | VP of Risk Management

Hometown: Tuscaloosa, AL

Mcallister Mclaughlin | VP Ritual and Fraternal Appreciation

Hometown: Brentwood, TN

Maggie Utlaut | VP
of Recruitment

Hometown: Carollton, MO

Anna Duvall | VP of Collegiate Recruitment Information

Hometown: Peachtree City, GA

Ellie Duvall. | VP of New Member Education

Hometown: Peachtree City, GA

Lauren Sowers | VP of Public Relations and Marketing

Hometown: Saint Louis, MO

Ainsley Veatch | VP of
Membership Programming

Hometown: Ashburn, VA

Julia Marquardt | Panhellenic Delegate

Hometown: Winfield, IL

Cathy Stockstill | VP of
Intellectual Development

Hometown: Brundidge, AL

Mary Claire Magee | VP of
Facility Operations

Hometown: Vestavia, AL

Lauren Bonikowski | VP
of Philanthropy

Hometown: Montgomery, AL

Hattie Vyhlidal | VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Hometown: Lincoln, NE